in charge


in charge 的定义

  1. In a position of leadership or supervision, as in Who's in charge here? or He's the agent in charge at the ticket counter. [Early 1500s]

in charge 近义词

in charge

等同于 restrained

in charge

等同于 managerial

in charge

等同于 supervisory

in charge

等同于 commanding

in charge

等同于 administrative

更多in charge例句

  1. This is a guy who has his son-in-law clean his eyeglasses, for crying out loud.
  2. Her travel clique has been known to arrive at an airport, bags packed, passport-in-hand, within hours of spotting a deal.
  3. That is a fact recorded by the doctor in charge of the ambulance at the inquest.
  4. The added charge for access to hotel Wi-Fi is not only exploitative but increasingly irrelevant.
  5. Earl Spencer adds, “Effectively, my great-grandfather sold his children to his father-in-law.”
  6. He was voluble in his declarations that they would “put the screws” to Ollie on the charge of perjury.
  7. The mother's lips could not finish the charge she was about to put upon her innocent child.
  8. There was a time when Aristide Pujol, in sole charge of an automobile, went gaily scuttering over the roads of France.
  9. Louis was not less astonished at this charge, than the Empress had been at the communication which aroused it.
  10. Such throats are trying, are they not?In case one catches cold; Ah, yes!